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Behind the fossil fuel industry lies a shady network of corporations and organisations that legitimise and enable the activities of an industry that is killing us. These can be in the form of finance, insurance, legal, engineering, construction, PR, press, pension funds, lobby groups and an almost endless number of others.

Their link to the fossil fuel industry is often hidden behind their glossy websites and claims of being Net Zero, but a closer look will reveal that they are carrying out activities that mean they continue to profit from fossil fuels.

Other organisations too, invest, promote and profit from fossil fuels. Some are complicit as contractors or hide behind think tank names, working behind the scenes, lobbying secretly in the corridors of power.

Extinction Rebellion’s CUT THE TIES campaign takes action against these fossil fuel enablers, shining a light on the activities they would rather keep hidden. The campaign does not disrupt the general public but instead targets the companies responsible for propping up the fossil fuel industry.

Join the CUT THE TIES Telegram Group HERE


Do you want to CALL OUT your local FOSSIL FUEL ENABLERS and demand they CUT THE TIES?

  1. Identify your chosen target in your local area.
  2. Come up with an action design with your local group
  3. Decide what assets you’ll need, whether generic CUT THE TIES assets are suitable or whether you would want target specific assets
  4. Plan a date for your action
  5. Recruit a support crew – ensure they all have the necessary NVDA training and arrange a legal briefing for your action
  6. ACTION DAY - Make the magic happen!
  7. Ensure your photos, videos, press releases are all shared on social media, local press and anywhere else you’ve planned them to go.
  8. Carry out an action debrief.  Consider Roses, Thorns and Buds - what went well, what didn't, and things that can be developed to improve future actions
  9. Consider escalations. Was your action a success? Would the target benefit from another visit? How can you turn up the heat on them next time?

Join the CUT THE TIES telegram chat HERE


Many of the previous actions have had an immediate and clear impact on the companies targeted, the speed at which some have attempted to downplay and clean up the actions shows their concern regarding reputational damage they will suffer should their customer base and wider public be aware of their activities.

Previous Actions:

  • Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) – XR South West / South East
  • Tufton Street – Writers Rebellion
  • Eversheds Solicitors – HS2 Rebellion
  • Ineos – Plastics Rebellion
  • BAE Systems offices - Christian Climate Action
  • Church House - Christian Climate Action
  • JP Morgan – XR Health (Doctors)
  • Schlumberger – XR Wales / XR Youth
  • Ontario Teachers Pension Fund - Sky Rebellion
  • Hill & Knowlton – XR Cymru
  • BP – XR South East
  • Arch Insurance – Money Rebellion
  • International Maritime Organisation (IMO) - Ocean Rebellion
  • Edelman – XR London
  • Worley – XR South East
  • The Home Office – XR South East
  • London Fashion Show – Plastics Rebellion
  • Wood Group - Staines - XR South East
  • Labour Party HQ - XR South East
  • ...And more are happening all the time!

Join the CUT THE TIES telegram chat HERE


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