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Welcome to XR Kent

You are invited to join us - Everyone, and every part of everyone, is welcome!

It is time to act. We use people power to demand urgent action from our Government.

Conventional approaches of voting, lobbying, petitions and protest have failed because powerful political and economic interests prevent change. Our strategy is therefore one of non-violent, disruptive civil disobedience – a rebellion.

Historical evidence shows that we only need the involvement of 3.5% of the population to force change – in the UK that’s about 2 million people.

Our meetings are the perfect first step to finding out more. Look for a Local Group near you and go to their social media for meeting dates or to send them an email. If you don't have a local group near you and are thinking of starting one, are interested in volunteering or would like to get in touch more generally, email xrsoutheastmedia@gmail.com

XR South East Events

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